A Hallmark Christmas…2020 edition

I had the title for this blog planned out months ago. Some friends heard me speak of it before. But in order to appreciate the point of the blog, we must look back briefly on some key points. 2020, for one. WHAT. A. FECKKING. YEAR! We all had grand dreams back in January, didn’t we? Some were getting married this year, others expecting a child, and others had high hopes to make 2020 all about vision, change, and growth. Enter COVID….people LOST jobs, people CANCELLED or Severely downgraded their weddings, and were faced with birthing a child in a totally different perspective than originally thought. I guess it’s true, what they say—-make plans, God will laugh before he tosses them out the window!

I found myself without a job…in the beginning there was hope I’d go back. But as time marched on, it became apparent that wasn’t going to happen. Then God seemed to give me an assignment of his own…a friend asked a simple question…if I’d help guide her to a stronger faith. And so we embarked on this little journey….that landed us the best of friends. Little did I know that her simple request would end up helping me to heal as well. We’ve learned a lot about each other, and both learned a lot about faith. We’ve laughed, teased, ate many meals together, had Advent discussion questions. Gone on adventures and secret getaways. We’ve cried in each other’s arms, hugged until we had no choice but to let go and hope the broken pieces stayed together, stood by each other through trials, both physically and at times virtually, messaging the other until 2AM through a difficult crisis. We’ve showed each other the many faces of love, and grown to accept that love goes deeper than what society shows. Love doesn’t stand defined by the woman in a white dress, and the man in a tuxedo. Love doesn’t stop at the altar….for sometimes love doesn’t even bring one to the altar. It brings one right to the cross. To the manger. To their knees. Together.

Love is defined in many non-romantic, non-sexual ways: gently prodding the other to open up when they’d rather stash their emotions. Offering to make snacks when one is having issues with tanking blood sugars. Enjoying time in the sunshine, but also choosing to sit beside each other through the storms of life. One mantra I’ve truly learned the true meaning of this year, is this: “When you break a bone, or have surgery—-friends line up to sign your cast, drop off meals, and ask how you are doing. When you admit that you’re struggling mentally, perhaps even relapsing….suddenly the line is going the other direction, and very few are left by your side.”

So, while yes, Christmas certainly looked, sounded and felt different this year—-there is one thing that remains after the tree is taken down, and the gift wrapping is thrown away, and all the fattening foods consumed. And that thing….is LOVE.

This truly was my Hallmark Christmas….and no engagement rings, weddings, or other televised lame romantic story lines were needed. Perhaps if we all dig a little deeper—-we can find our own inner Hallmark movie. And live in it a lot longer than a month. ❤